You could be doing something as mundane as folding your laundry when all too familiar thoughts ambush you. You think of their smile and the first time you kissed. You replay every beautiful moment and get lost in how it felt to be loved.
Then, things get dark. You start
Ouch. Your relationship just ended. Whether it was mutual or messy, a painful breakup always leaves behind a broken heart. All you can think about are the good times and the happy memories you shared.
It can be so tempting during those early days to run back to your ex-boyfriend
They were the one, and you made a huge mistake. Not all is lost; you can still get them back - and keep them.
If you’re willing to be patient, change your ex’s perception of you and work on rebuilding a real, organic connection, this is the guide
What was it you even fought about? It seems so trivial now. Time apart has done you some good and you finally see the situation for what it is - a big mistake.
It dawns on you that all you wanted out of a relationship was within your grasp and
There is nothing in the world more devastating than a broken heart. It hurts so much it knocks the wind out of you. You feel like you are being crushed by the weight of the loss.
You miss things you never imagined you could miss about a person. You miss